The regional tournament requires funds for custodial services, printing costs, the program, T-shirts for judges, and other miscellaneous expenses. To pay for this, we accepts ads for our regional tournament program.
Advertising is a great way for individuals and businesses to support Buccaneer Bay Odyssey of the Mind. We sell advertising spaces in our regional program ranging from eight page to full page layouts.
If you need to email an AD directly, or have questions, please contact Kristen Friend at or use our form here: email Kristen
Absolutely no ADs are to be emailed or mailed to the Regional Director. Please, please help ensure that every AD is incorporated into the program.
Submit an Advertisement
Deadline for ALL submissions is December 31st of current OM year.
All payments must be submitted to the Regional Director
Even if you submit artwork online, you must mail in your payment. Make check payable to: Florida Odyssey of the Mind or FLOMA
Mail check to:
Florida Odyssey of the Mind
c/o Amanda Pope
2522 Caspian Drive
Lakeland, FL 33805
Full Page: 5.125″ x 8.25″ at 300dpi
Half Page: 5.125″ x 3.875″ at 300dpi
Cost: $50
Quarter Page: 5.125″ x 2″ at 300dp1
Accepted file types: .pdf, .tif, .eps, .ai, .jpg