
2022 Buc Bay Tournament Schedule & Additional Info

2022 Buccaneer Bay Regional OM Tournament

February 12, 2022

Corbett Preparatory School at IDS

12015 Orange Grove Drive, Tampa, FL 33618

The school has two locations across the street from each other.  We will be at the middle school, which is located on the west side of the road, where the sports field faces Orange Grove Drive.



  • MASKS: masks are strongly recommended indoors.

  • PARKING: Parking is limited everywhere, so we suggest all who can should try to carpool!
    1. Middle school parking will be for officials and judges only.
    2. We will have workers at the gate into the middle school to control this.
    3. Only vehicles which will be allowed will be team vehicles to drop-off & pick-up props and people.
    4. Additional parking will be:
      • across the street at the elementary school’s general parking and the shell flat lot adjacent to their general parking and
      • at Carrollwood Elementary School (3516 McFarland Rd Tampa FL), just south of Corbett Preparatory School on the corner of Orange Grove Dr and McFarland Rd.
      • DO NOT PARK anywhere but at Corbett Preparatory school facilities or Carrollwood Elementary. You could get towed!
      • DO NOT PARK in handicap without a placard (or plate). You could get towed!
      • DO NOT PARK in reserved spaces at the middle or elementary school. You could get towed!

  • Workers will be assigned throughout the middle school facility. There will be some at the prop drop-off and pick-up. NO LINGERING.
  • LIMITED RESTROOMS: there are only 6 individual rooms, so all they need to be limited to using the facilities.  
    • **Costume changes, putting on makeup, etc. will not be allowed in the restrooms. Additionally, we do not have use of any rooms for these purposes. **

  • CONCESSIONS: the school will have food concessions for sale through both preordering (preference) and walk-up on day of tournament.  All lunch meals will include main item, bag of chips, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and bottle of water.  All meals will be $5.  Payment (cash or card) will be taken at the concession stand when you pick up your order.

The school was kind enough to offer themselves for tournament, so you can support them by purchasing from their food concessions.  Thanks to Chef Chris Tarr for all of his hard work for our event! 



  • TENT CITY: will be located on middle school soccer field. All can bring tents (NO STAKES), chairs and coolers. Remember to pick up after yourself!
  • AWARDS: We are scheduling awards to be at 3:30PM on the soccer field.  Inclement weather, we will move in to the Gym.
  • WORKER SCHEDULE: we plan to email the worker schedules to the coaches no later than Sunday 2/6/22 and then post them as a separate post on our regional website.
  • TEAMS ADVANCING TO STATE: There will be a MANDATORY meeting for all coaches of teams advancing to the State Tournament immediately following the awards ceremony in the dining hall (where coach meeting was held on 1/29).


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