
2019 FLOMA State Tournament Schedule

This is the schedule for this year’s state tournament on April 6, 2019 at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.
2019 FLOMA State Tournament Schedule

If you have a conflict, please contact our State Director, Matt Whaley at

Please remember to look at this site (FLOMA Website – State Tournament) for updates for State.  The schedule is final, so the worker schedules will be out early next week.
  1. Remember to print out the Behavior Contract (attached) BEFORE you can pick up your packet at team registration.
  2. I cannot stress enough about attending the Coach Meeting on Friday night, especially if you have never been to State before.
  3. Forms for Staging (and make 3 packets of these and give one to a friend traveling with you and keep one in your car):
    • 4 Style
    • 4 Required List
    • 1 Cost (including receipts)
    • 1 Outside Assistance (if team member is absent or no longer on team, be sure to indicate that on this form)
    • Any team clarifications

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