
Welcome to the 2015-2016 Season!

We have official event dates and locations for the new OM season. You can see the events calendar Buccaneer Bay Calendar and a list of events here.

  1. December 15, 2015: All Buccaneer Bay teams must register as a team (including coach names & contact information, all team member names, judge name and contact information and worker name and contact information) to avoid a $20 late fee per team.  To register your team, sign in (if previous user of FLOMA registration system) or create a user name & password here: FLOMA Team Registration
  2. January 15, 2016: All Buccaneer Bay teams that wish to be included in the Buccaneer Bay Regional Tournament must be registered and paid by this date.

You can see our “one stop shop” with links and help getting started here: Buccaneer Bay One Stop Shop

Look forward to seeing you at trainings and at our Buccaneer Bay regional tournament scheduled for February 20, 2016 at Strawberry Crest High School (Dover).


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