
Updated Team, Judge and Worker forms available

Important 2011-2012 Team Registration Information

Each team must have a National membership. Teams can register with the national organization at The cost is $135 for the 1st membership, and the discounts are offered for multiple memberships.

Team Registration Online with the State
Note to coordinator or coach: please print and complete these forms prior to registering your team on the state site.

Teams may register online with FLOMA at: The cost is $75.00 per team and $20.00 for Primary teams. All teams must be registered and paid by December 15th to avoid a $20 late fee. If you do not yet have a judge or worker for your team, just put coach name & contact information in order to complete your registration.

When entering team/judge/worker contact information on the state site, do not use a School District of Hillsborough County (SDHC) email address. SDHC blocks many email addresses making communication difficult. We must have email addresses that get checked regularly.


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